Thursday, February 4, 2010


Speaking of cravings permit me to ask a couple of questions. Does God's love for us stir a longing that makes us want to know Him? Is it a craving that is never truly satisfied? Heschel wrote, "He who is satisfied has never truly craved." John wrote, "We love because He first loved us!" Maybe, just maybe, God's love f...or us does not satisfy but only intensifies the desire to know Him more. Care to comment?

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Arthur collins. If we have cravings for stuff and have no means to get them we are not letting the Lord lead our life. Craving lead to problems of felling less than our fellow men. I need to trust in God for everything. My problems is I forget to do that on a daily base. I doing thing without thing about the problems that come afterword.
    I hope i can trust in God for everything from now on.

    Arthur Collins
